June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I love her.
The way I see it #260
"Playing in an independent rock band will eventually make you equal parts truck driver, gladiator and mule. Glamour is for those with trust funds."
- Neko Case
The other day you told me that you want to be a rock star. And I felt that fear that parents feel when they have a daughter who is dating someone who wants to be a rock star. It's not my daughter, but I felt something close to that feeling.
I'm trying my best to be a dream embracer/encourager. So part of me is hopeful of the great things that come with being a "rock star" = Influence, ability to be creative, travel. But most of me is wary of your dream. Probably because you didn't define it as being in a band, or a musician but most definitely a "rock star" to me which describes one with some talent or skill, addicted to attention/substance, groupies, excess in everything and most definitely temptation at every turn. I hope you have eyes wide open to what you're stepping into.
People who walk in the way are definitely needed in the entertainment industry. Just check yourself, what exactly are you pursuing?
Monday, July 16, 2007
2 things I think.
- I think it's pretty lame that you keep rotating your top friends between just a few people. What does one do to have to drop a few spaces, only to be put back again the next week? Don't worry though, I'm even more lame for noticing even caring. Just and observation.
- I think some of the students probably think I'm a huge jerk. Sorry guys, it's just that life is totally overwhelming right now. Not enough time to do all that needs to be done let alone be who I need to be. People keep asking if I'm mad, I supposed I'm just stressed. It's weird, because I wouldn't consider myself a "bridezilla", because even though the wedding items have me fit to be tied, it's not those things that leave me frazzled. It's all the other pieces of life. I'm ready for all these time sensitive things to be done. But I guess that won't happen until 2 months from now. Let's not even touch the subject about how I have a really hard time creating "space" in my life. Things won't slow down unless I make them. And that's up to me.
I'm going to make space now and go to bed, tomorrow is hectic at it's worst.
Monday, July 2, 2007
monday begins it.
So my toe really hurts, but I'll get to that.
This has been a fabulous Monday. This morning I figured out which gym we'd be attending. Called gym #1 to get a quote. Got a great quote. Drove to gym #2 which turned out to not have a pool and have horrendous parking, which we had to pay for. Boo. Decided to go with gym #1.
Went to recycle 3 bags of cans. While I was there, I ...
I've just decided that really I am too tired to finish this post. It sounds much nicer to be in my bed and read a book. I will tell you why my toe hurts another day. Maybe tomorrow.
June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The way I see it #260
"Playing in an independent rock band will eventually make you equal parts truck driver, gladiator and mule. Glamour is for those with trust funds."
- Neko Case
The other day you told me that you want to be a rock star. And I felt that fear that parents feel when they have a daughter who is dating someone who wants to be a rock star. It's not my daughter, but I felt something close to that feeling.
I'm trying my best to be a dream embracer/encourager. So part of me is hopeful of the great things that come with being a "rock star" = Influence, ability to be creative, travel. But most of me is wary of your dream. Probably because you didn't define it as being in a band, or a musician but most definitely a "rock star" to me which describes one with some talent or skill, addicted to attention/substance, groupies, excess in everything and most definitely temptation at every turn. I hope you have eyes wide open to what you're stepping into.
People who walk in the way are definitely needed in the entertainment industry. Just check yourself, what exactly are you pursuing?
Monday, July 16, 2007
- I think it's pretty lame that you keep rotating your top friends between just a few people. What does one do to have to drop a few spaces, only to be put back again the next week? Don't worry though, I'm even more lame for noticing even caring. Just and observation.
- I think some of the students probably think I'm a huge jerk. Sorry guys, it's just that life is totally overwhelming right now. Not enough time to do all that needs to be done let alone be who I need to be. People keep asking if I'm mad, I supposed I'm just stressed. It's weird, because I wouldn't consider myself a "bridezilla", because even though the wedding items have me fit to be tied, it's not those things that leave me frazzled. It's all the other pieces of life. I'm ready for all these time sensitive things to be done. But I guess that won't happen until 2 months from now. Let's not even touch the subject about how I have a really hard time creating "space" in my life. Things won't slow down unless I make them. And that's up to me.
I'm going to make space now and go to bed, tomorrow is hectic at it's worst.
Monday, July 2, 2007
So my toe really hurts, but I'll get to that.
This has been a fabulous Monday. This morning I figured out which gym we'd be attending. Called gym #1 to get a quote. Got a great quote. Drove to gym #2 which turned out to not have a pool and have horrendous parking, which we had to pay for. Boo. Decided to go with gym #1.
Went to recycle 3 bags of cans. While I was there, I ...
I've just decided that really I am too tired to finish this post. It sounds much nicer to be in my bed and read a book. I will tell you why my toe hurts another day. Maybe tomorrow.
Isaiah 61
The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me.
He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken,
Announce freedom to all captives, pardon all prisoners.
God sent me to announce the year of his grace
- a celebration of God's destruction of our enemies
- and to comfort all who mourn,
To care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion,
give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes,
Messages of joy instead of news of doom,
a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.
Rename them "Oaks of Righteousness" planted by God to display his glory.
I'm a
*God serving *youth loving *rollercoaster riding *vanilla latte sipping *mac using *joke making *wagon driving *80's crazed *T.V. hating *yet LOST adoring *Halo playing *H2O drinking *legal assisting *text messaging *JDC stalking *wedding planning *LIFE graduating *livejournaling *Hanson listening *5 piercing *dancing fool

without her I'd be less.